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How to repair if the wheel hub is damaged?


1. Check the scars, if there is no damage to the inside […]

1. Check the scars, if there is no damage to the inside of the hub, you can use paint thinner to wipe around the scars to remove the dirt. When cleaning, in order to prevent irrelevant parts from getting paint, you can stick tape around the scar.

2. Use the tip of a brush to paint the modified paint on the damaged part of the hub. After drying, it will shrink slightly. It is better to protrude a little when painting for easy observation.

3. After the finishing paint is completely dry, apply it with water-resistant paper dipped in soapy water to make the surface smooth.

4. After wiping with water-resistant paper, use the mixture to make it bright, and then apply wax.

Car wheels are an important part of supporting car tires, and tires are elements that directly contact the ground. Therefore, car owners should not forget the maintenance of the wheels when maintaining their cars on a daily basis. Clean the wheels of the car at least once a week. When there are scratches and scratches by hard objects, it is best to go to a professional repair shop to repair the wheel hub. Pay attention to the maintenance of the key parts of the car to ensure your travel safety.

Toyota &Lexus Toyota Prius Wheel Hub 43510-47011

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